Thursday, January 15, 2009

Went to the doctor today....

I'm 26 weeks now :-) We did another ultrasound today and are pretty sure that we saw "turtle" parts. AKA: Boy My doctor said that he wasn't showing off like most boys, but that she was sure that it was a boy.
We are so excited. That's what we were hoping for. I love my girls but have found that boys are easier as kids other than the potty training. We're still struggling with that with Noah and he's 3. Anyway, just thought I'd share the news!


Naomi said...

oh my goodness i think girls are easier! even with my own kids because Tripp is so much more aggressive than Bella ever was.

Naomi said...

PS how are you guys doing? any news yet about the Army?

Erin said...

Congratulations on a little boy!! how exciting!