Wednesday, March 11, 2009

just a little update...

I had asked prayer for our family a few days ago, and thought you all might like to hear the answer. God says to "wait". Ok, so no I didn't hear an audible voice of His, but thats the answer we got nonetheless. Chris went Saturday before he was supposed to leave for OKC and the recruiter said that some stuff has changed and now is not the time to go. Prior service members are not receiving bonus' for the months of March and April. And they said he's got a little more work to do on his PT (sit ups, push ups, and the run). So we're in no hurry, like I said before, we want to be in God's will, whatever that is. So now we're just doing what we need to do. He's continuing to work on his PT requirements and when he's ready with all that, then we'll go from there. Thanks for praying!!!

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